
About me

I'm Ben Furneaux (he/him), Design Director at Sledgehammer Games, Guildford UK 🇬🇧 We are hiring, head here to see open roles.

I've worked in the games industry for over fourteen years across game, user interface, experience and narrative design. You can read about my career here.

I'm obsessive about interactive entertainment in its many forms, from AAA video games to board games 🎲 I love working on games that bring people together in online worlds or where player agency is a priority in interactivity and storytelling. 

I make games for a living because I want to share what I love about them with everyone. Providing nerdy depth with accessibility that anyone could pick up is the kind of a challenge I live for. 🤓

Working alongside creative and intelligent people to realise ambitious concepts is what I value most in my career. I'm also keen on streamlining processes, building teams and anything else it takes to achieve the improbable. 🙌


I identify as gay, and I’m an active advocate for LGBTQ+ inclusion in games. 🌈 I aim to make the places where I work inspiring, inclusive, fun and rewarding.

Games are a massive part of my life. Still, when I’m not making or playing them, I’m a keen photographer, graphic designer (total Bauhaus fanboy) and generally enjoy exploring artistic endeavours outside of the interactive space. I also climb the occasional wall 🧗‍♂️ (although I wouldn’t say I’m great at it – thankfully, harnesses exist).

I’ve become obsessed with drinking any weird tea I can get my hands on, from boba to banana. I’ll push it on anyone – especially people in my team – who have not yet experienced authentic Taiwanese bubble tea.

When I can travel, I like to escape to grand, wifi-less spaces where I can hike and take in some incredible views. I grew up in the heart of Dartmoor, so wandering is very much part of my DNA. 🏕️ Diamond Head in Hawaii was a recent favourite hike; Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks are next on my list.